Informix Database Toolkit


This document describes Informix Database Toolkit which is also known as Idtasm.

Idtasm (Informix Database Toolkit ASM) is an external Legato NetWorker ASM (Application Specific Module) that assists in the saving and recovery of INFORMIX databases. Idtasm is used for online (hot) backups. idtasm operates by "connecting" the input and output from the INFORMIX ontape utility to NetWorker. Idtasm always does FULL backups.

In save mode, idtasm works as follows: first it confirms that the FIFO it uses for communication with the Informix ontape utility exists, is owned by user informix and has the proper permissions. It confirms that INFORMIXDIR is set in the environment, without which it will not continue. idtasm then invokes ontape, reading the stream of data it provides from the FIFO and writing it to the NetWorker server as a properly formatted ASM save stream. Ad hoc saves from the nwbackup GUI program are not supported.

In recover mode, idtasm works as follows: first it prompts the user to log in as informix and run the ontape utility. It then checks to see if the FIFO it used for communication with the Informix utility ontape exists and is writable. It checks to see that INFORMIXDIR is set in the environment, without which it will not continue. Once ontape is running, idtasm sends a stream of recovered data to the FIFO, which is read by ontape, and the recover takes place. A knowledgeable Informix DBA is required to perform the Informix recovery.

Idtasm only supports NetWorker 4.1 servers and Informix Online 7.1 databases.

The Informix Database Toolkit is licensed to run on a single Legato backup server. The package consists of an 8mm tape for either Solaris or AIX/6000, product registration form and a hardcopy of the manpage. The tape contains the Idtasm executable along with a detailed manpage.

An evaluation version is available via FTP from in the file outgoing/idt_eval/beta_mmdd.tar.Z., where mmdd is the month and date of release. This version times out at the end of August.

Price and Availability

Legato's Informix Database Toolkit (IDT) will be available August 1, 1995 through the Legato Professional Services organization:

Order Information 	  List Price	Annual Software Subscription

8944 - IDT for AIX/6000 $6,000 $1,080

8964 - IDT for Solaris $6,000 $1,080

Note that the optional Annual Software Subscription permits free telephone support and free software updates during the subscription period. For more information, call Darrell Miller at 415/812-6000.

Database Consulting Services

Legato also offers consulting services to assist customers in implementing their database backup. For a fixed-price, a Legato systems engineer will define, plan, install, configure the Legato Informix Database Toolkit to work in your installation, interface it with NetWorker, and verify the proper operation of the combined products.

Consulting Charges

(Order Codes - List Prices) 	North American Locations 	Intl. Locations

First Database Server* #8901 - $4,000 #8903 - $6,500

Subsequent DB Servers** (each) #8902 - $1,000 #8902 - $1,000

* Includes travel expenses.
** Accomplished concurrently with first database server, on same DBMS product.

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Copyright 1994-95 Legato Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Last modified: Sun Oct 29 22:03:09 1995 by Www